About the Artist
Viviane Trubey is a Canadian artist/painter working from her studio in North Augusta, Ontario. She favors the fine art medium of pastel to represent a true-to-life visual impression, inspired by her travel experiences and her natural rural surroundings. She looks for beauty, sometimes from nature, sometimes from creating in her studio an arrangement of objects for a still life painting.
Her early artistic tendencies were in fine art photography – focusing on orchids, and natural landscapes. She then experimented with digital photo collages, using her own vast collection of photographs. What followed was a desire to achieve a painterly approach and to find her own voice in traditional methods. She enrolled at the Academy of Realist Art (Toronto, Ontario) for training in drawing, and oil painting.
Having won a box set of pastel sticks in 2019 at a Plein Air Painting Conference, she embarked on a new passion for pastel painting. She is fascinated with their extended range of pure colors, and the versatility of application. A commitment to studying Pastel as a fine art medium is her challenge.
She adapts her pastel application technique to the visual impression desired. The finish may look smooth or textured, with a sense of depth and light in the scene. Her paintings' various subjects have a personal connection, she wishes the viewer to feel an emotion and be delighted by the color impression of the scene.
Starting in 2022, she submits selected paintings to Pastel Societies' juried competitions/exhibitions. She is honored to have many accepted in international and national Pastel Exhibitions.

Recent Activities
2024- Feb 8 and 15 - Taught a 3 hour workshop on pastel painting as part of an educational series organized by The Merrickville Guild of Arts.
2024- Feb 17- Taught one day workshop "Painting a Snow Scene in Pastel" at the Walker House in Prescott, ON.
2023- Oct 28- Taught a one day workshop "Painting a Nocturne in Pastel" at the Walker House in Prescott, ON.
2023- Aug 13- Taught a one day workshop “Introduction to Pastel Materials and Mark-Making” at the Walker House in Prescott, ON.
2023- June - One painting accepted in the prestigious juried International Guild of Realism.
2023- April 15-16--Had a booth at the local "Spring Fling" art exhibition sponsored by The Merrickville Arts Guild, Merrickville, ON, Canada.
2023- April- Accepted as juried Associate Member to the prestigious Pastel Society of America (PSA).
2022-23- Completed 8 session online course given by well-known artist Zoey Frank, Breaking the Surface - Exploring the History of Pictorial Space.
2021- Nov-Presented “An Introduction to Pastel Materials” and examples of her works to the South Grenville Guild of Fine Art, in Prescott, ON, Canada.​
Juried Group Exhibitions – All pastel Paintings​
Sept 13-15 Arts Hub Brockville Exhibition of 22 paintings.
Aug3-18 Pastel Society of Eastern Canada (PSEC) Pastel Toujours Members Exhibition in Laval, QC, "Plate of Seashells" and "Lunch at Wakefield Mills, QC " accepted.
Pastel Artists of Canada (PAC) 12th Annual online, "Orange Orchid Pot and Seashell" and "Emerald Creek Reflections" accepted.
Central Massachusetts Pastel Society (CMPS) 2024 Members Show, "Yellow Dive" accepted.
April 26-28 Guest artist at the South Grenville Guild of Fine Artists (SGGOFA) spring exhibition in Prescott, ON.
Pastel Artist of Oregon (PAO) 3rd Biennial International Exhibition, "Sky Lights" accepted.
Pastel Guild of Europe (PGE) Members April Exhibition Online, " Emerald Creek Reflections" won 2nd place.
Pastel Artists of Canada (PAC) 11th Annual Online Exhibition, "Sunny Treehouse" accepted.
Pastel Artist of Oregon (PAO) MOX Members Online Exhibition, "Crab and Seashells" accepted.
Pastel Guild of Europe (PGE) Members August Exhibition Online, “Sunny Treehouse” won an Honorable Mention.
International Guild of Realism (IGOR) Fall Salon (Oct) “Lunch at Wakefield Mills, QC” accepted.
Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada (RRPSNV) International “Orange” Exhibition (Oct), “Orange Orchid, Pot and Seashell” accepted and to be hung at Priscilla Fowler Gallery, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Connecticut Pastel Society (CPS) 30th National Exhibition Renaissance in Pastel (Oct), “Sky Lights” accepted and hung at Arts Centre East, Vernon, CT, USA.
Central Massachusetts Pastel Society (CMPS) Marks of Distinction Exhibition (Sept), “Red and White Scuba Shed” accepted, and hung at Fivesparks Gallery, Harvard, MA, USA.
Pastel Society of Southern California (PSSC) 5th International Online Exhibition Make Your Mark (Aug), “Self-Portrait of 2022” accepted.
Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada (RRPSNV) Member Online Exhibition (June), “Misty Prescott Shipyard” accepted.
Pastel Society of the West Coast (PSWC), 2023 Member Online Show (MOOS) (March), “Caribbean Wreck” accepted.
Pastel Artists of Canada (PAC) 10th Member Online Exhibition (Jan), “Yellow Dive” accepted.
Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada (RRPSNV) Member Online Exhibition, “Red and White Scuba Diving Shed” accepted.
Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada (RRPSNV) International Exhibition in Las Vegas, Nevada. “Red and White Scuba Diving Shed” and “Red Chaos Theory” accepted in the Online Show. The theme was RED.
Pastel Artists of Oregon (PAO), Spirit of Pastel, 2nd Biennial International Exhibition, “Golden Prairie Garden”, accepted & hung at the Chehalem Cultural Centre, Newberg, OR, USA.
Central Massachusetts Pastel Society (CMPS) National (North American) Exhibition, Marks of Distinction, “Caribbean Wreck” accepted & hung at Fivesparks Gallery, Harvard, MA, USA.
Pastel Society of Maine (PSME) 22 nd Annual Open Juried Show, For Pastels Only, “Plate of Seashells” accepted & hung at the SACO Museum, SACO, ME, USA.
Mid-America Pastel Society (MAPS) 2022 International Exhibition, Adventures in Pastel, “Pièce de resistance, Wakefield Mills, QC”, accepted & hung at the Tim Murphy Gallery, Marriam, KS, USA.
Southwest Florida Pastel Society (SWFPS), National (North American) Online Show, “Yellow Dive” accepted.
Pastel Artists of Canada (PAC), 32nd Member Annual Purely Pastel Exhibition, “Caribbean Wreck” accepted & hung at the Federation Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
"Creativity Through Crisis, Works from a Global Pandemic" Exhibition, “Two Ducks on a Stroll”, People’s Choice Award, shown at the Spencerville Mills, ON, Canada
Pastel Society of Eastern Canada (PSEC), 1st Pixel International Online Exhibition”, “Sky Lights” accepted, Dec 15, 2022, through March 15. 2023, Online.
Paintings in Publications
​Spring-Summer RRPSNV Online Exhibition Catalog, page 41, “Misty Prescott Shipyard”.
2022-PSEC 1st Pixel International Online Exhibition Catalog, page 45, “Sky Lights”.
2022 RRPSNV International Exhibition Catalog, page 36, “Red and White Scuba Diving Shed”.
2022 MAPS International Exhibition Catalog: “Pièce de resistance, Wakefield Mills, QC”.
2022 PAC 32nd Annual Member Exhibition Catalog, page 29, “Caribbean Wreck”.
Membership in Art Associations
International Guild of Realism
Canadian Pastel Societies: PAC, PSEC
American Pastel Societies: RRPSNV, PSWC, PSA
International Pastel Society: Pastel Guild of Europe (PGE)
Manotick Art Association.
Merrickville Arts Guild (MAG).
Portrait Commissions​
Completed portraits in charcoal for four clients.
Art Education Part 2 (Pastel Painting)​
2024- Jan- Completed 4 session course on "Abstracting Still Life and Interiors with Pastel"
2023- Attended the biennial ICAN 2023 Pastel Conference sponsored by Pastel Artists.ca in Toronto.
2022- Attended the amazing 6-day International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) Conference and Exhibition in Albuquerque, NM.
2019- Paul Ingbretson Pastel from Life 5-day workshop, Lawrence, MA.
2019- Valerie Fulford Pastel Impressionism 2-day workshop, Ottawa, ON.
Art Education Part 1 (Drawing and Oil Painting)​
2018- Attended 2-week Portrait and Figure at Studio Incamminati, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
2018- Attended 2-day Graydon Parish Color Mixing in Oil (Munsell), Boston, MA, USA.
Attended various 1-week in-person workshops:
2018- Landscape Masters in Cartersville, GA, USA.
2018- Sarah Lacey Portrait painting in oil, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
2017- Jeff Hein Portrait Color, Scottsdale, AZ, USA.
2016- Katherine Stone Textural Still Life workshop, in Duncan, BC, Canada.
2015- David Kassan Portrait Drawing in Charcoal, San Francisco, CA, USA.
2015- Ned Jacob-Horses outdoors in Scottsdale, AZ, USA.
2014- Ken Salaz Landscape, Jackson Falls, NH, USA.
Attended 5-day Portrait Society of America Conferences in Reston, VA, USA in 2016, and Atlanta, GA, USA in 2017.
Attended Streamline Publishing Plein Air Painting Conferences in Monterey, CA, USA in 2015, and, San Francisco, CA, USA in 2019.
2011-2014 part-time studies at the Academy of Realist Art (ARA) in Toronto and Ottawa, ON, Canada; attended several 1-week workshops hosted by the ARA.
Contact Information
Lives in North Augusta, ON Canada